Steps to Interconnection



有兴趣在您的房产上安装可再生能源系统? The interconnection process doesn’t have to be complicated. In six easy steps, you can complete, 提交并完成申请,以享受可再生能源发电的好处.

To make the interconnection process easier, 直到有一个在线申请系统,将决定哪一个应用程序是适合你的. 在开始申请流程之前,请先熟悉本页上的信息.


非常重要的一点是,在您收到启动/连接系统的批准之前,不要启动您的系统. 如果你在换电表之前给你的系统通电, 您的电表将记录任何多余的发电作为负荷,并向您收费.

Start your online application  → 



经办人. Generator Interconnections
30 Energy Way
Exeter, NH 03833

6 Steps to Easy Interconnection

阅读下面的步骤来了解整个过程,当你准备好了,你就可以了 start or resume your online application here. Throughout your application process, 如有必要,您将被要求提交证明文件. Please submit all completed documents through our Documentation Upload Portal.

Here are a few things you and your contractor should know:

Requirements You Should Know

For a safe and efficient interconnection process, 直到符合新英格兰独立系统运营商(ISONE)和州机构规定的要求为止. To learn more about these requirements, and to discover if interconnection is right for you, check out the links below.

Newly required as of Oct. 1, 2023:

Resources for Successful Interconnection

Need Additional Help?

  • Reach out to 至今还 experts at or call us at 603-773-6480 to discuss your project further.
  • Research your installation company. The Department of Public Utilities (Massachusetts customers) and the Public Utilities Commission (新罕布什尔州客户)是很好的资源,为互连和净计量问题, and to confirm the legitimacy of a business.
  • Get an electrical permit from your town. 在获得电气许可证之前或之后,您可能需要获得建筑许可证. Please contact your town or city hall for information.

Force Majeure Termination (MA)

由于当时正在发展的COVID-19危机,2020年3月27日,菲奇堡天然气公司 & 直到(“本公司”)确定有必要根据“分布式发电互联标准”申报COVID-19不可抗力事件(“事件”), MDPU没有. 375 (“Tariff”) Section 3.7.这条信息是通知您活动将于周四结束, 5月11日, 2023, 以配合马萨诸塞州和联邦COVID-19公共卫生紧急情况的结束(“事件终止”).

Force Majeure Termination

Joint EDC Statement Re: COVID-19

Letter to Customer Generation Customers

Save the Planet, Save Money

可再生能源不仅有利于环境——通过互联互通, it’s good for your wallet, 太. 看看这些博客,了解更多关于绿色倡议的信息.